Want A Standby Generator? You Need To Get In Line Today!
What is a standby generator Essentially, it’s a type of home generator that’s installed on your property. Unlike portable generators, these products are installed in one fixed location. They’re also a lot larger than portable ones, capable of providing you with enough wattage to power your entire home. The whole purpose of a standby generator […]
Reasons To Purchase Standby Over Portable Generators
Portable generators are generators that you can move from one location to another. They typically have wheels and handles to make them more ergonomically friendly. But are they actually any good? As you’ll discover in this post, it depends on your requirements. Yes, they are great if you want portability, but regular standby generators tend […]
Tips For Breaking In Your Generator
Like many mechanical devices, generators require a “breaking in” period – sometimes called mechanical run-in. Breaking in typically occurs within a few hours of use. In an engine, it involves adjusting the contact between the piston rings and the engine’s cylinder wall. After manufacturing, the cylinder wall is not perfectly smooth – there is still […]
Why You Should Invest in a Whole House Generator
Many homeowners invest in generators to keep the lights on when there is a power cut. It can be an invaluable asset in the event of a storm, social disruption, or natural disasters. Unfortunately, homeowners will sometimes go bargain hunting for the cheapest generators they can find instead of investing for the long-term. Yes, there […]
Finding A Generator Maintenance Program For You
Like any other engine, a generator requires regular maintenance if you want it to continue running smoothly. If you never took your car for a service, for instance, you can hardly expect it to keep transporting you day after day. Well, precisely the same rule applies to your generator. A well-oiled and loved machine is […]
Is A Standby Generator An Investment?
Our society is exceptionally reliant on electricity. Everything from the batteries in our phone to some cars requires electricity to get them up and running. This means that when the power goes out, we can feel very lost and confused. Unfortunately, storms happen all the time and can at any point knock the power out, […]
Five Tips to Reduce Whole Home Generator Noise
Many homeowners in the market for backup generators worry about how much noise their units might make. After all, they require an engine to drive the alternator that generates electricity. And that sounds like it should be loud. But how loud are generators, exactly? And do they comply with neighborhood noise levels? The Generac generators […]
5 Reasons To Buy A Generac Backup Generator
Is there anything more inconvenient and troublesome than a power outage? Your television viewing will be cut short, the food in your freezer will start to thaw, and you will have no access to the internet! It is possible to fill your time when a power outage occurs, but let’s be honest, you don’t want […]
How Does A Whole-Home Generator Work?
Grid electricity works most of the time. But, according to Statista, the US only has a reliability index of 98.6 out of 100, behind countries such as South Korea, Finland, Hong Kong, and Belgium, making whole-home generators necessary. But what are they and how do they work? What Is A Whole-Home Generator? A whole-home generator […]
Protect Yourself From Storm Chasers: 5 Tips to Protect Yourself
When you think of storm chasers, people in high-tech trucks and vans who are out following the trajectory of a big storm or tornado might come to mind. But, those storm chasers are working for the greater scientific good. Unfortunately, there is another type of storm chaser that wants nothing to do with the greater […]